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 Advertising Campaign Management

Boost your visibility and maximize your results.

Homme faisant une annonce au haut parleur

Reach your customers where they are.

Our team at doesn't just understand digital; we master all facets of it. From Google to Facebook, including Instagram and LinkedIn, our campaign management service exploits the particularities of each platform to effectively connect you to your audience, thus strengthening visibility and conversions.

Logo Google Ads
Logo Facebook
Logo Instagram
Logo LinkedIn
Logo X (Twitter)

Achieve your digital goals, whatever they may be.

Each company has its own aspirations: acquisition of prospects, expansion of customers, improvement of notoriety, etc.

We are committed to shaping each strategy so that it resonates with your specific expectations.

Cible de jeu de  fléchetes

Fairness and transparency

Our commitment to a clear pricing policy with no surprises.

Rate (excluding advertising costs*)
Setup fee**

*Advertising costs:Costs associated with advertising on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and others are not included in our prices and vary depending on several factors such as industry, competition, and your specific objectives. For example, on Google Ads, the average cost per lead can be $53.52, while on Facebook, the average CPC is around €0.33, with CPMs around €6.35. Costs on Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter will also depend on similar criteria.

** Setup fees: Included in our services, setup fees cover a range of activities essential to the successful launch of your campaigns. This includes audit and campaign strategy, configuration of business accounts, optimization of pages or accounts, installation of tracking pixels for detailed analysis of user actions, optimizations to increase conversion rate, creating initial audiences based on accurate data, as well as various integrations necessary for an effective campaign. These elements are crucial to establishing a solid foundation for your advertising efforts and are tailored according to the specific needs of each business.



Your first month at -50%

Without engagement.

(excluding setup fees)

Everything We Do to Make Your Campaigns Shine.

  • Implementation of advertising campaigns on the chosen platforms, including account creation and initial configuration.

  • Selection and optimization of audience targeting to reach the most relevant users based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and other specific criteria.

  • Production of visuals, videos, and advertising texts adapted to each platform and designed to engage the target audience.

  • Monitoring and adjusting bids to optimize advertising spend and maximize ROI.

  • Conducting A/B testing on different campaign elements (e.g. images, copy, targeting) to determine performance and optimize results.

  • Continuous monitoring of campaign performance in real time and analysis of data to evaluate the effectiveness of different strategies and tactics implemented.

  • Production of detailed reports on campaign performance, allowing you to visualize results, key performance indicators (KPIs), and the impact of campaigns on business objectives.

  • Continuous adjustments to campaigns based on performance analysis to improve results.

  • Open and continuous communication promoting a better understanding of objectives and performance. Additionally, monthly meetings are held to discuss the progress of the campaign, necessary adjustments, and future strategies.

Don't Leave Your Mark in the Shadows

Without an effective advertising strategy, you risk losing valuable market share and seeing your potential customers turn to others. is here to make sure that doesn't happen, by putting our expertise at your service.

Homme à peine visible à travers une vitre embuée
Statues grec

Join the Success

By choosing to manage your advertising campaigns, you are investing in increased visibility, qualified leads and tangible growth of your business.

Statues grec

Boost your growth, without delay.

Together, let's deploy the advertising strategy that will propel your business to new horizons.

They trust us and they want to tell you that.

Discover authentic testimonials of our success.

"L'expertise de a été capitale pour le succès fulgurant de notre lancement. Leur travail sur notre logo et notre charte graphique a capturé l'essence de 2BYAV, touchant le cœur de notre audience. Grâce à eux, nous avons atteint notre capacité maximale en moins d'un mois !"

Michael Levy

2BYAV, Micro-crèche

"Le développement d'une application IA par a été une étape majeure pour nous. Leur travail sur notre site web et notre image de marque a également été exceptionnel. Leur expertise technologique et créative est inégalée."

Steeve Mercier

CeeVee360, IA d'aide à l'emploi

"Leur gestion experte de nos campagnes LinkedIn et l'animation de notre page ont grandement augmenté notre visibilité. La refonte de notre site web et leurs conseils ont transformé notre entreprise. Un partenaire inestimable pour notre transition digitale !"

Franck Allali

UFER, Recouvrement

"La collaboration avec l'équipe a été un tournant pour notre académie. Leur expertise dans la création de site web, l'acquisition de leads et le branding a propulsé notre présence en ligne et a enrichi notre image de marque. Des résultats impressionnants !"

David Perrier

Ecommerce Academie, Centre de formation

" a créé pour nous un site e-commerce à la fois élégant et fonctionnel, qui a véritablement stimulé nos ventes en ligne. Leur compréhension de nos besoins et leur approche personnalisée ont été cruciales pour notre succès."

Cyril Melki

Tzilum Razi, Boutique de photos

"L'équipe de a été essentielle dans le développement de nos contenus e-learning. Leur consulting pédagogique et leur capacité à générer des leads qualifiés nous ont aidés à élargir notre clientèle et à améliorer notre offre de formation."

Rudy Sebban

1Clic Formation, Organisme de formation

" a non seulement conçu un site web magnifique pour notre galerie d'art, mais a aussi magnifiquement travaillé notre branding. Leur sens artistique et leur compréhension de notre vision ont été remarquables."

Julie Leroy, POD Intelligence Artificielle

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